Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tech Tip: Favicon

I saw that someone else did this extra credit assignment and I love fun stuff like this so I decided to do it, too! I chose this potted plant icon for my blog because I love plants (who doesn't these days). Also, plants make me think of growth and that's a big part of this course. I didn't know much about favicons before but I've always wondered if you could change the little icon by the name of the site in the tab so this was a great thing to learn!

My favicon from favicon.cc


  1. Hi Brooke,

    Fun little favicon!

    Favicons are one of those strange web standards that has been around so long that it’s accumulated a lot of strange dust, so to speak, so they're always a bit funny to deal with.

    Where’d you find the .ico file? (Or did you make it yourself? Making them has always been a bit of a pain, as far as I can tell.)


    1. Hi! I just downloaded the icon from the website https://www.favicon.cc and then followed the favicon tech tip instructions from our professor to apply it to my blog!


Week 11 Story: Gellert

(Warning that this story is kind of a downer!) Gellert could smell the wolf. He knew his owner, the prince, couldn’t smell it because he...